Carl Colglazier
Archived Notes
These notes are not featured, but kept here for archival purposes.
Expert Sleepers ES-9 Firmware Update on Linux
Mostly for my own reference.
May 21, 2020
Post-graduation reading list (undergrad edition)
With some nice blocks of free time directly after graduation, I’ve poured my energy into prepping for the next step. Will update this list as I read more.
Jan 20, 2020
Speaking into the Void
How measurement can alter our understanding of the world.
Jul 12, 2019
YouTube Subscriptions are Broken, but RSS Still Works
At one point, subscriptions used to be the primary UX point on YouTube. If you got subscribers, you were guaranteed some eyeballs.
Jun 30, 2019
This Website Supports Webmentions
I do not currently plan to still use webmentions, but am keeping this up for archival purposes
Jun 29, 2019
Waiting for Upstream
This is a post about this website. It’s also a small reflection on software development. Enjoy.
Jun 20, 2019
A Fast from Electron: Streaming Music through MPD
Enough has been written on Electron’s shortfalls that I feel no need to add my own gripes. Generally, I try to avoid it as much as possible. I’m sure the Discord desktop…
Jun 13, 2019
Principles for Creative Work
A lot of these ideas aren’t original. In fact, many are borrowed from processes in software development and team management I have learned while a college student. I am…
Jun 6, 2019
Resources for Using REAPER on Linux
I have been a REAPER user for years and lately I’ve been using the unofficial Linux release.
Mar 14, 2019
Albums from 2017 I’m Still Listening to in 2018
I listen to a
of music. While I will listen to some albums a few times and move on, some stay with me. This post quantifies the albums from 2017 that stayed in my life…
Dec 8, 2018
Cartograms of the 2018 U.S. House Vote
The divide between urban and rural voters has become an increasingly observable pattern in U.S. elections. Many Democratic voters pack into areas with higher population…
Nov 16, 2018
My Goals for the Fall Semester (2018)
This fall semester, I want to…
Aug 13, 2018
The Paradox of Creativity
Many times we think of creativity like the ouroboros, an ancient symbol of a snake eating its own tail. We think of creative people as those who are able to come up with…
Sep 15, 2017
Using Org-mode and Babel with Hugo
This is no longer my current workflow and is also out-of-date at this point; however, I am keeping a copy up for archival purposes.
Apr 25, 2017
Simple Hugo VPS Deployment
I recently moved hosting to a virtual private server and NGINX. Since I use git and Hugo to update my website, I wanted to be able to have the website build simply by…
Apr 16, 2017
An Ode to the Humble Pen
After Wendell Berry
Dec 7, 2015
Studying Technology and Technology for Studying
When I was a high school student studying Latin, I always dreaded the basic process of memorization. The way I studied then, learning vocabulary involved creating individual…
Dec 6, 2015
An Ode to Homework in a Digital Age
I am writing this post at an average speed of thirty-five miles an hour. I am on the bus, heading home from another busy day on campus. I usually use this time to catch up…
Nov 30, 2015
2015 Goals
The following page contains information regarding some of the aspirations which I am working to attain.
Nov 1, 2015
Technology and the Point of No Return
When something already has mass adoption, often it’s best to not let perfect be the enemy of good.
Oct 5, 2015
This Website Supports Dial-up.
Throughout the past decade, the internet has become much larger (in multiple ways). As more people have started to become active online, websites themselves have grown…
Jul 23, 2015
What is a YouTuber?
While reading a YouTube comment section recently, I happened upon a rather humorous comment claiming that “This is why Viners only act for six seconds,” referring to a…
May 30, 2015
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